Thursday, March 11, 2010

The First Half

So I told myself I was going to be better at this blogging thing, but it hasn't really worked out yet. I think this is because I don't have much to say. I started this somewhat to post about what God was teaching me through my studies at seminary. So that is my plan for today. Now that I am almost half way done with my first semester here are a few of the major concepts I have learned or found interesting:
  1. The idea of Sabbath as restoration of relationship (this is a huge simplification but what I actually took away from this discussion will take several post).
  2. The theme of perseverance in the book of Revelation, this is what I am doing my NT Theology paper on so it has been at the forefront of my studies.
  3. The church as a social ethic. This idea really intrigued me and so I am going to do a paper on it later in the semester so I hope to have a more fleshed out definition of what this means.
  4. The complete sovereignty of God (this is not a new concept for me, but one that continues to stir my affections for him and ground my joy in him alone).
I guess 4 is enough for now. I hope to come back to each one and more fully explain what God is showing me in them and better still to work out how they will apply practically to life.

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