Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Ugliness of Pride

This morning in my devotionals I read through Lev. 16 where God prescribes for the people of Israel the Day of Atonement. Each time I read through this chapter God reminds me of two great things, my sin and his grace. Today my own sin seemed to way more heavily on my heart and here is what God revealed in me.
I struggle with pride and arrogance. I know that I struggle with it, but it is not helping in the fight. What I saw today was more my arrogance toward God. When it comes to all the blessings he has placed in my life I am more than willing to acknowledge they came from him. The problem I find is I believe I somehow deserve them. It is as if acknowledging they came from him makes it okay to fell worthy of these gifts. This made me confess to God my utter sinful pride and ask him to humble me. That can be dangerous but I know he promises grace through it. And I love having grace lavished upon me.

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