Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Missing Presence

I love my wife. I know all husbands are supposed to say that, but I have a reason to be feeling it and thinking it. Meredith has been gone for the past week. And in that time I have been reminded just how much I love and enjoy my wife. I love talking with her and making meals together. I love to sit and drink tea with her and praying together. I love how she makes our house a home. All of these things play a part in why I love her. But I think, over the past week, I have discovered what I love and miss the most about her. I love and deeply miss her presence. I love knowing she is here. I love coming home and feeling how her presence fills and makes our home.

This feeling has made me think more about Christ and my relationship with him. After all, isn't that what my marriage is suppose to reflect. There are things I love about Christ. But do I desire and love his presence like I do my wife's? Do I miss his presence when I haven't been around it for a while? Right now I would have to answer no. That answer haunts me. Because it seems to show what I fear; that I love my wife more than I love Christ. Maybe I am overreacting. Or maybe I have an idol in my life that needs to be repented of.

I love my wife, but in order to love her as well as I can I have to love Christ more. Tonight that is what I am praying for. Tonight I am asking Christ to stir my affections for him and let me be like David who said:
"One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple."

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